Middle Ages and Knighthood

Middle Ages is a time period during which the tasks of many social layers were exactly determined. The task of the subjects was to obey and to work mainly on the fields, the priests administered the divine services, the tradesmen dealt in wool, vine, fabrics, etc., women had a strictly assigned task in the family – care for household and children. The knights fought for interests of weighty people. They owned armour and a horse. They swore an oath of allegiance to individuals or clans, rarely to the homeland. As of the 11th century their armour was complemented by a coat of arms that proved their oath of allegiance to their lord.

The first warriors wore only simple helmets that were gradually improved. Typical elements of the Middle Ages’ architechture were the castles. They were built from wood, soil and stone. The biggest castle builders were the Normans. The original wooden constructions were replaced by stone castles. Towers with the square ground plan were gradually replaced by rounded towers. The castle was surrounded by mighty walls, sometimes by a ditch filled with water that was cut across by a drawbridge.

Many medieval castles became with time centers of medieval towns. The towns were protected by high walls that served for defence. The medieval towns were renowned not only for the medieval castles but also for cathedrals and abbeys.

The Norman knights swore an oath of allegiance to their lord who rewarded them for their services with estates and liege homages. In the 11th and 12th century the Norman knights wore armour made from wire cloth that was made from thick iron wires bent into rings. The ring was cut off, run in four other rings and joined by a clench or by welding. The iron shirt put the knights on a stuffed tunic and pants. In the 13th century they replaced simple helmet with big helmets. In the 11th century the sword was used for hacking and cutting, in the 13th century it was shaped in such a way so that to be able to penetrate the wire shirt with severe consequences. That is why during this time period a significant role in weaponry held the shields.

In the first half of the 13th century the ring armour was gradually replaced by clad armour that was made from solid steel. In the 15th century the whole body was covered by the armour. Individual clads were joined by leather straps thanks which the armour was flexible so that the knight could move. The whole armour weighed about 23 kilograms.

In 1095 the pope Urban 2nd summoned the Christian knights mainly from western Europe to fight against the Muslims – Saracens – that lived in the Holy Land, i.e. in the territory of todays Lebanon, Israel, Palestine and Egypt. These fights were especially severe and they are called crusades. The fights in the Holy Land ended in 1291.

During the crusades some knights took religious oaths and established military orders. To most significant orders belonged the Knights Templar whose order was established in 1096. Their main goal was the protection of the pilgrims on their way to Jerusalem. The Order of Saint John originated in 1113. They protected the sick and the poor. Both orders reached big fame mainly in the fights. The Teutonic Knights possessed the strongest army in eastern Europe. The order was defeated in 1410 by the Polish-Lithuanian army in Poland. The Knights Templar were extraordinary rich. Their wealth became fateful for them when the French king Philip 4th accused them of the worst crimes. The Templars were put in jail, tormented, executed, and their possessions were confiscated.

The individual orders had their own flags on which dominated a cross – the symbol of Christianity. The Knigths Templars had a red cross in white field, the Order Saint John had a white cross in black field, the Teutonic Knights had a black cross in white field.

The knights practiced their combat skills in combats in which everybody engaged in combat with everybody. The weapons used were spears and these combats were called tourneys.

In the 12th century the code of honour– the so called knightliness – was created. According to this code the knight should behave honestly, he should obey the Christian doctrines, he should be gallant, kind, noble and concerned with protecting the weak from the strong. The knight ideals were often captured in poems and songs. However, the knights didn’t always act on them.

In the 16th century the knighthood is gradually receding. The armour was relieved, it protected the upper part of the body and the thighs. The reason for this concession was the discovery of the gun powder. Using small, light pistols enjoys wide currency. The castles are gradually losing its importance, the powerful nobles move from them to the court from which it was difficult to conduct rebellions against the king.

At the present time one can see knights for example in the château Windsor in England. Distinguished personalities are even today granted honorific title of Knight.

  • Kristína Valovičová, rytierska družina Bojník, Bojnice

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